Thursday, February 10, 2011

Only in My Life

On Wednesday, I gave Decibals a detention for completely outrageous behavior. I scheduled her detention for Friday after school. Decibals was not happy, and I received reports that she spent the rest of the day complaining and cursing me out to other students.

On Thursday, during my lunch period, Decibals knocked on my door. I had never seen her act so respectfully. She asked if we could please reschedule the detention, as she was busy on Friday. I thought about it, but I realized I was busy that Thursday afternoon, as well as the following Monday and Tuesday afternoons. No, I told her, detention had to be Friday.

"But I really can't go!" she said.

I paused, pondering the myriad of possible responsibilities she might have on a Friday afternoon. Maybe she had to babysit a younger sibling? Report to work? Take care of an older relative? "Well, what do you have to do tomorrow afternoon?" I asked.

"I'm skipping school to go shopping!"

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