Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sketch Is on a Roll

In Environmental Science, we are doing an activity that involves comparing the impact on the climate made by poor people as opposed to wealthier people....

Adorable But Slightly Sketchy Student: Yo, you so dumb, why would you buy a radio instead of a bicycle? If you only have $200 in lifetime savings, buy a f***ing bicycle so you can get to work and make more money.

Turquoise-Colored Glasses: I don't know... I just thought a radio would be fun. And then I have $50 left, so I can take the bus.

Sketch: Nooooo, you dumb as sh*t. It says here that taking the bus everyday costs $125, so your $50 doesn't mean anything. Get a bike! Transportation is so f***ing important compared to a radio. Get your priorities straight! And bikes are better for the environment anyway, so you're making climate change better by having a bike!

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