- My friends
- Clementines
- Anjou and Bartlett pears
- Frozen berries
- New Jersey
- Autumn leaves
- Evergreens
- Spinach
- Nonverbal communication
- Waking up in the morning
- Awesome students who make it worth it to wake up in the morning
- Trust
- Wonderful college memories
- Reports of fun at Brown EMS
- Intellectual curiosity
- Students who start their work quietly
- Sunny days
- Hugs
- Students who ask for help when they are confused
- 1776
- Parents who glow with pride when you tell them their kid is amazing
- Meaningful song lyrics
- Smiling for no reason at all
- Friends who listen
- Listening to friends
- Knowledge, more knowledge, and understanding
- Students who tell me I'm doing a good job
- Coworkers who tell me I'm doing a good job
- Actually feeling like I'm doing a good job
- The New York Yankees
- Chocolate chip cookies
- Cupcakes
- Those coworkers who have offered me their shoulders to stand on
- Long walks
- Holiday cheer
- Hope and idealism
- My two adorable dogs
- My family
What are you thankful for?
chocolate cookies and cupcakes..yum! Glad I got to visit and see your new life :)