Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mental Evolution

After a whole week of teaching evolution, I gave my students the following prompt as a Do Now:

Explain three things you've learned about evolution.

One kid's response:

1. I am human
2. evolution
3. wild cat to fish

Nice. Glad to know I'm an effective teacher.


  1. Hey there! Glad you're writing a blog-wish I had done so about teaching specifically while I was in China.

    Oh those horrible moments where you think, "Really, after ___ amount of time teaching you this, that's all you've got", and then the deflated feeling after.

    Hang in there! It should get better-I didn't get into the groove for at least a couple of months. Hopefully it won't take you as long!

  2. sounds like what happened in my class. we spent two weeks talking about how all of the ancient civilizations existed before Christ and the beginning of Christianity, but they still draw crosses all over their damn Egyptian temples!!
