Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hint: It's a Double Helix

I gave a quiz on chromosomes and the cell cycle to my biology classes today. I could write a book about my emotions before, during, and after quizzes, but tonight I am going to post some interesting responses to one simple quiz question: What is DNA?

We discussed DNA at length in class, and we reviewed it before the quiz. However, judging by some of the answers I got, I'm pretty sure my students pay much more attention to CSI than they do to me.

6. What is DNA?

-- blood. I don't know how to spell it.

-- DNA it's a type of cell in your body for example like blood or saliva that help you find out what type of thing you are.

-- DNA is something that comes out of you like blood, spit, saliva. It can tell people who that person was.

-- someone's blood?

-- sperm/egg

This final response is sort of on the right track, but I find it really funny:

-- DNA is information that tells you about your insides.


  1. I'm still trying to find out what type of thing I am. Maybe I should cut myself and take some DNA out of my insides.

    PS add me as a team blogger

  2. This afternoon, Kim and I had an exchange in the car. It went something like:

    Meg: "Kim, would you like this piece of gum I just chewed before I throw it away? It has my DNA on it."

    Kim: "If I chew it, will I get preggers?"

    Meg: "No, you'll just be able to figure out who I am on the inside."
